1. Applied therapy
I think body and self/mind are inseparable. Our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are fundamentally determined by what we perceive and experience throughout our life.
We were all born into a body, a family and a certain era. If we are lucky, we can be brought up by a loving family, in a peaceful age, with having good adjusting skills, and with a satisfaction with our body, intelligence and abilities. If not...
We can’t be separated from our body, since it enables us to know this world. Perception is one of the basic parts of our existence. We can understand our existence only through our experiences and knowledge about the word. In the process of cognition, our self/mind can always perceive the world together with our sensory system, because only these two allow us to exist and experience. Our self and body are inseparable unit and built on one another.
Hence, I think our life experiences and traumas are not only established in our mind as thoughts and feelings (which are rather explored by counselling psychology) but in our body as well, as physical and energy blocks which can be released by kinesiology.
We relate to our world on three levels. These relations determine the process of our personal development: 1. Firstly, how we connect to our body, we accept it or criticize it; secondly, how we experience the world through our body, our sensory system (whether we can function in it without fears); 3. thirdly what kind of relationship we have with others, whether we trust them or not. Hence:
“We see the world and things not as they are but as we are.” (Kant)
I believe our emotions express and reflect the way how we connect to the world. The emotional level is the most basic level in our existence.
My applied therapy is primarily specialized in exploring emotions since I am convinced based on my own experience that permanent personality change can be reached only when our relationship with ourselves or the world and others alter. Consequently, we must accept ourselves as who we are, then we feel safe in the world and we are not frightened of others anymore.
The fact is that we all have negative and positive experiences as the world equally consists of good and bad things. Our negative feelings are the consequences of our painful life situations. Therefore, it’s vital how to interpret our painful life situations. Whether I am able to discover the good thing in it and give it a positive interpretation. Or our negative past experiences determine our present, preventing us from change. We are convinced that interpretation can be learnt which means that any kind of negative life experience can be reinterpreted i.e. we can change our perspective.
I believe that it is not the world or other people or the environment that prevent us from being successful and happy, but ourselves. Firstly, our fears, negative perspective on ourselves, low self-esteem which stop us to trust ourselves. It depends on us what we do with our unique potential and skills.
My therapy/counselling provides you with self-knowledge, personal development, changing perspective, and fear/anxiety release.
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Metamorfózis Szolnok, kineziológus szolnok, pszichológus szolnok, stresszoldás szolnok, jobb agyféltekés rajztanfolyam szolnok